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Puberty Counseling

Puberty is the process of cognitive, psychosocial, and biologic maturation.Puberty can be a difficult transition for many adolescents, even when it progresses normally, and presents substantially greater challenges when its onset is premature or delayed. The recent trend toward an earlier pubertal maturation and some of its consequences, notably earlier sexuality and the problem of teen pregnancy, make it all the more important to understand the physiology of normal puberty.

Talking to children about puberty is a crucial task for parents, especially in light of the abundance of sex-related material in the media. Here are some suggestions to assist you in guiding your child through this trying time.

Most individuals are aware that puberty marks the beginning of sexual maturity, when reproductive organs begin to operate. Boys and girls, in addition to physical changes, go through a variety of emotional changes as a result of hormonal shifts and changing perceptions. Both parents and their children may find it challenging to adjust to puberty-related changes. That's why it's critical to get out on the right foot by developing a sense of understanding between you and your child, which will foster trust.

Our compassionate therapists can assist you in overcoming life's most difficult obstacles. Get in touch with us right away!

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