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Menopause Health Check

Menopause is the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. Is cessation of periods for 12 months from your last menses. This term can refer to any changes that you experience before or after menopause, which marks the end of your reproductive years.
When a woman feels she's going through perimenopause, it's a good idea to undergo a thorough medical evaluation by a trained gynecologist.

Menopause is a natural component of ageing that happens when a woman's oestrogen levels begin to fall between the ages of 45 and 55.
When a woman reaches menopause, she no longer has periods and is no longer able to conceive naturally. Periods normally begin to become less frequent over the course of a few months or years before ceasing entirely. In India, the average age at which a woman reaches menopause is 48.
However, only about one in every 100 women reaches menopause before the age of 40. This is referred to as premature ovarian insufficiency or premature menopause.

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