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Family Planning

Help pregnant women and new mothers decide how to avoid pregnancy after childbirth. Ideally, family planning counseling should begin during antenatal care.

- Waiting until her baby is at least 2 years old before the woman tries to conceive is better for the baby and better for the mother as well.
- A woman who is not breastfeeding or who is not fully breastfed can get pregnant as soon as 4 to 6 weeks after giving birth.
- A woman who is completely breastfeeding or almost complete can get pregnant as soon as 6 months old.

The Diviyne Connectionn Family Planning Program strives to provide clients with high-quality reproductive, sexual, and preventative health care. These programmes are designed to assist people in maintaining their sexual and reproductive health,to plan pregnancy , and avoiding unwanted pregnancy.

We are here to help.

General Enquiry : 091560-58651

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